Honors Option in a Regular Course

To be carried out successfully, an honors option for a course requires careful planning early in the semester, close collaboration between student and instructor, and a serious commitment by both parties to see the project through. 

Student information

Please meet with your instructor before filling out and submitting this form as much of the information must come from him or her. This form must be submitted by the end of the third week of the semester. A copy of your submission will be emailed to you for your records.

Note: You must formally enroll in the regular course. Completion of this form alone does not register you for the course. 

An honors option should consist of a portion of the course syllabus or a related alternative to it. Describe the specific project in these terms.
Provide the rationale for this project as honors work.
The character of the work, not the quantity, should be supplemented. Describe how this honors work will replace or enhance a regular requirement of the course.
An important component of honors work is regular contact between the student and the faculty member for review and discussion of the project. Describe the agreement reached and deadlines envisioned for meeting this requirement. Written final projects should have a first-draft deadline to permit revisions incorporating instructor suggestions.