Looking at his students from behind his desk, Roger Egolf can really empathize with them because he sat in their place as a Penn State Lehigh Valley campus student.
He joined the faculty on a part-time basis in the fall of 1988 and received a full-time appointment in 1989. Dr. Egolf is an organic chemist with research interest in the areas of synthesis and evaluation of biologically active compounds, targeted drug delivery, and protein isolation and characterization.
A dedicated researcher, Dr. Egolf has 6 publications and over 20 papers presented at professional meetings to his credit. In current research, he is collaborating with a pharmacologist at SUNY Medical School on the isolation and characterization of renal anion-transport proteins.
"I involve my students in my research because I believe that participation in undergraduate research enables the students to understand what a scientist actually does," says Dr. Egolf.
A graduate of Kutztown University, he holds his doctorate and master's from Lehigh University in organic chemistry. Dr. Egolf is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of College Chemistry Teachers, the American Chemical Society, the American Institute of Chemists, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Lehigh University
M.S. in Chemistry, Lehigh University
B.S. in Chemistry, Kutztown University