Center Valley, PA 18034
Dr. Tai-Yin Huang joined Penn State Lehigh Valley in 2002. She earned her doctoral degree in physics in 1997 from the University Of Cincinnati. She won an international postdoctoral fellowship from CRESS at York University in Canada between 1997 and 1999. She then joined Clemson University in 1999 as research associate and later received a CEDAR postdoctoral fellowship award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2001.
Since joining Penn State Lehigh Valley, she has had NSF awards and mentored many undergraduate students working on these federal funded projects. She was a 2009 Penn State Research Collaboration Fellow affiliated with the Penn State Institutes of Energy and Environment (PSIEE). She was a visiting professor of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan in 2009-2010, which was sponsored by the National Science Council of Taiwan. She received the Penn State Lehigh Valley Outstanding Research and/or Creative Accomplishment Award in 2010.
Dr. Huang is an editorial board member of a few open access online journals and she has served as a reviewer for scientific journals and proposal reviewer for NSF programs. Her latest endeavors involve LEDs and electrical energy released from lightning discharge. She is founder of Andromeda LED Lighting, LLC and owns several patents on LED. She has just recently been granted a patent "Energy Storage Device" from the United States Patent and Trademark Office in September 2016. She is founder of Integrated Energy Solutions for Entrepreneurs (IESE) at Penn State Lehigh Valley and has received micro grants from Penn State Lehigh Valley LaunchBox. Lehigh Valley LaunchBox is a signature program of the Invent Penn State initiative.
Dr. Huang's atmospheric research interests include gravity waves dynamics, airglow chemistry, and energetics in the MLT region, Lightning-Induced Transient Emissions (LITEs) of airglow, sprites and elves, global warming and climate change, specializing in analytical approach, numerical simulation, and data analysis.
Dr. Huang also conducts research in finding innovative solutions to address real world problems in the areas of green energy and LED lighting applications in horticulture and Li-Fi.
Recent Publications
Articles Published in Refereed Journals
Chou, Chien-Chung, Dai, Jeff, Kuo, Cheng-Ling, and Huang, Tai-Yin (2016). Simultaneous observations of storm-generated sprite and gravity wave over Bangladesh, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA022554.
Huang, T. –Y. (2016). Simulations of Airglow Variations Induced by the CO2 Increase and Solar Cycle Variation From 1980 to 1991, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 147, 138-147, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.07.014.
Huang, T.-Y. (2015). Gravity Waves-induced Airglow Temperature Variations, Phase Relationships, and Krassovsky Ratio for OH(8,3) Airglow, O2(0,1) Atmospheric Band, and O(1S) Greenline in the MLT Region, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 130-131, 68-74, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.05.002.
Huang, T.-Y. & George, R. (2014). Simulations of Gravity Wave-induced Variations of the OH(8,3), O2(0,1), and O(1S) Airglow Emissions in the MLT Region, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JA019296. Impact Factor: 3.44
Huang, T.-Y. & Kane, T. J. (2013). Examining Methods Used in Extracting Long-term Thermospheric Density Trends, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 97, 115, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.03.004. Impact Factor: 1.751
Chiang, C. Y., Chang, T.F., Tam, Sunny W. Y., Huang, T.-Y., Lin, C. H., Chen, A. B., Su, H. T. & Hsu, R. R. (2013). Global observations of the 630-nm nightglow and patterns of brightness by ISUAL, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 24, No. 2, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2012.12.13.01(SEC). Impact Factor: 0.705
Kuo, C. L., Huang, T.-Y., Chang, S. C., Chou, J. K., Lee, L. J., Wu, Y. J., Chen, A. B., Su, H. T., Hsu, R. R., Frey, H. U., Mende, S. B., Takahashi, Y. & Lee, L. C.(2012). Full-kinetic elve model simulations and their comparisons with the ISUAL observed events, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A07320, doi:10.1029/2012JA017599. Impact Factor: 3.44
Huang, T.-Y. and M. Hickey (2012). Gravity Wave-induced Variations in Exothermic Heating in the Low-Latitude, Equinox MLT Region, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A02307, doi:10.1029/2011JA017148. Impact Factor: 3.44
Kuo, C. L., Chang, S. C., Lee, L. J., Huang, T.-Y., Chen, A. B., Su, H. T., Hsu, R. R., Sentman, D., Frey, H. U., Mende, S. B., Takahashi, Y. & Lee, L. C. (2011). The 762 nm Emissions of Sprites, J. Geophys. Res., 116, A01310, doi:10.1029/2010JA015949. Impact Factor: 3.44
Huang, T.-Y., C. L. Kuo, C. Y. Chiang, A. B. Chen, H. T. Su, and R. R. Hsu (2010). Further investigations of lightning-induced transient emissions in the OH airglow layer, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10326, doi:10.1029/2010JA015558. Impact Factor: 3.44
Jan-Bai Nee, Shang-Da Tsai, Ding-Hong Peng, Rue-Ron Hsu, Alfred Bin-Chi Chen, Shengpan Zhang, Tai-Yin Huang, Panthalingal K. Rajesh, Jann-Yenq Liu, Harold U. Frey, Steven B. Mende (2010). OH Airglow and equatorial variations observed by ISUAL instrument on board the FORMOSAT 2 satellite. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 21, No. 6, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2010.03.12.01(AA). Impact Factor: 0.705
Huang, T.-Y. (2008). Peering into peer review. Physics Today, Vol. 61, No.12, 14. Impact Factor: 5.893
Huang, T.-Y., & Hickey, M. P. (2008). Secular variations of OH nightglow emission and of the OH intensity-weighted temperature induced by gravity-wave forcing in the MLT region. Advances in Space Research, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2007.10.020. Impact Factor: 1.238
Huang, T.-Y. & Hickey, M. P. (2007). On the latitudinal variations of the non-periodic response of minor species induced by a dissipative gravity-wave packet in the MLT region. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2007.01.011. Impact Factor: 1.751
Huang, T.-Y. (2006). Simulations of OH nightglow emission in the occurrence of sprites. J. Geophys. Res., 111, A11311, doi:10.1029/2006JA011791. Impact Factor: 3.44
Huang, T.-Y., Hickey, M. P., & Tuan, T. F. (2003). On nonlinear response of minor species with a layered structure to gravity waves. J. Geophys. Res., V108, 1173, DOI: 10.1029/2002JA009497, A5. Impact Factor: 3.44
Hickey M. P., Huang, T.-Y., & Walterscheid, R. (2003). Gravity wave packet effects on chemical exothermic heating in the mesopause region. J. Geophys. Res., V108, 1448, doi:10.1029/2002JA009363, A12. Impact Factor: 3.44
Huang, T.-Y., Hickey, M. P., Tuan, T. F., Dewan, E. M., & Picard, R. H. (2002). Further investigations of a mesospheric inversion layer observed in the ALOHA-93 Campaign. J. Geophys. Res., V107 (D19), 4408,doi:10.1029/2001JD001186. Impact Factor: 3.44
Hur, H., Huang, T.-Y., Zhao, Z., Karunanayaka, P., & Tuan, T. F. (2002).A theoretical model analysis of the sudden narrow temperature-layer formation observed in the ALOHA-93 Campaign. Can. J. Phys., 80, 1543 - 1558. Impact Factor: 0.928
Huang, T.-Y., Hur, H., Tuan, T. F., Li, Xi, Dewan, E. M., & Picard, R. H. (1998). Sudden narrow temperature inversion-layer formation in ALOHA-93 as a critical-layer-interaction phenomenon. J. Geophys. Res., V103 (D6),6323–6332, doi:10.1029/97JD03076. Impact Factor: 3.44
Munasinghe, G., Hur, H., Huang, T.-Y., Bhattacharyya, A., & Tuan, T. F. (1998). Application of the dispersion formula to long and short-period gravity waves; comparison with ALOHA-93 data and analytical model. J. Geophys. Res., V103(D6), 6467–6481, doi:10.1029/97JD02850. Impact Factor: 3.44
Book Chapters
Huang, T.-Y. (2013). Global Warming’s Effect On Mesospheric Airglow Emissions, In Carter B. Keyes & Olivia C. Lucero (Eds.), New Developments in Global Warming Research (pp. 103-116). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Huang, T.-Y., Chiang, C. Y., Kuo, C. L., Chen, A. B., Su, H. T., & Hsu, R. R. (2009). Investigations of Lightning-Induced Sudden Brightening in the OH Airglow Layer Observed by ISUAL Onboard FORMOSAT-II Satellite. In N. B. Crosby, T.-Y. Huang & M. Rycroft (Eds.), Coupling of Thunderstorms and Lightning Discharges to Near-Earth Space (pp. 21-27).New York: American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings,Vol.1118.
Huang, T.-Y. (2007). Investigations of wave-induced nonlinear response of minor species with the KBM averaging method. In A. Tsonis & J. Elsner (Eds.), Nonlinear Dynamics in Geosciences (pp. 153-166). New York: Springer.
Inventor/Assignee, Energy Storage Device
M480807, 2014/6/21, Taiwan
14/460698, 2014/08/15, USA (granted, issuing in progress),
Assignee, Modulized LED lighting fixture
M472797, 2013/10/09, Taiwan
201320646095.5, 2013/10/18, China
Assignee, LED Lighting module
M472802, 2013/10/09, Taiwan
201320653265.2, 2013/10/22, China
Assignee, LED light tubes
M472164, 2013/10/02, Taiwan
201320634671.2, 2013/10/14, China
Assignee, LED lighting Device
9303824, 2014/09/13, USA,
M472161, 2013/09/18, Taiwan
201320604508.3, 2013/09/27, China
Assignee, Lamp having an annular light-guiding body
13/868255, 2013/04/23, USA (Application),
M460234, 2013/02/01, Taiwan
201320080523.2, 2013/02/21, China
Assignee, Composite LED package and its application to light tubes
9166131, 2013/07/17, USA,
M461882, 2013/03/08, Taiwan
201320188734.8, 2013/04/15, China
Assignee, Film-covered LED device
8476650, 2013/07/02, USA,
M393643, 2010/12/01, Taiwan
201020112979.9, 2010/05/18, China
Funded Projects & Grants
Research Faculty. 2013-2014. Project: “Micrometeoroid Mass Flux Influences on Space Weather and Middle Atmosphere Aeronomy Studied Using the Six NSF Radars and Modeling (PI: Dr. John Mattews, AGS-1202019)” National Science Foundation Supplement ($ 19,998).
Principal Investigator. 2009 - 2012. Project: “RUI: Gravity Wave Effects in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere (MLT) Region with a 2-D, Nonlinear, Multiple-Airglow Chemistry-Dynamics Model” National Science Foundation RUI ($ 183,868).
Principal Investigator. 2004-2009. Project: “Investigations of wave-induced nonlinear response of chemically active species and associated airglow emissions in a shear flow.” National Science Foundation RUI ($ 115,938).
Principal Investigator. 2007-2008. Project: “Investigations of wave-induced nonlinear response of chemically active species and associated airglow emissions in a shear flow.” National Science Foundation RUI Supplement ($ 22,887).
Principal Investigator. 2008-2009. Project: “Investigations of wave-induced nonlinear response of chemically active species and associated airglow emissions in a shear flow.” National Science Foundation RUI Supplement ($ 19,610).
Honors & Awards
Penn State Lehigh Valley Outstanding Research and/or Creative Accomplishment Award, 2010.
Visiting Professorship of the National Science Council of Taiwan, 2009-2010.
The Pennsylvania State University Research Collaboration Fellowship, 2009.
CEDAR Postdoctoral Award, NSF, 2001-2002.
International Postdoctoral Fellowship, CRESS, Canada, 1997-1999.
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Thesis Award, Taiwan, 1986.
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Cincinnati, 1997
M.S. in Physics, University of Cincinnati, 1993
B.S. in Physics, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, 1989