The Lehigh Valley campus is offering a variety of in-class and online course options this summer.
Penn State Lehigh Valley has announced 46 different for-credit courses that will be available for online completion this summer.
"There are many benefits of summer sessions for current Penn State Lehigh Valley students and for students returning to the area for summer break. For example, summer courses can help students graduate early or ensure they graduate on time; these courses provide a chance to catch up or to get ahead of degree requirements; and they provide the opportunity to improve your GPA by focusing on one specific course," said Denise O'Neill, director of enrollment management at Penn State Lehigh Valley.
These courses cover a variety of subject areas and will be held during two sessions. Registration is now open.
Session 1: May 14-June 22 (No classes May 28)
- ART H 307: American Art
- B A 321: Contemporary Skills for Business Professionals
- BBH 302: Diversity and Health
- BBH 440: Principles of Epidemiology
- BIOL 141: Introductory Physiology
- BI SC 003: Environmental Science
- CAS 100A: Effective Speech
- CAS 352: Organizational Communication
- CHEM 110: Principles of Chemistry I
- ECON 102: Introductory Microeconomic Analysis and Policy
- ENGL 202A: Writing in Social Sciences
- ENGL 202C: Effective Writing: Technical Writing
- ENGL 202D: Effective Writing: Business Writing
- HPA 57: Consumer Choices in Healthcare
- HPA 101: Introduction to Health Services Organization
- MATH 021: College Algebra I
- MATH 022: College Algebra II
- MATH 034: The Mathematics of Money
- MATH 004: Weather and Risk
- MGMT 301: Basic Management Concepts
- MKTG 301: Principles of Marketing
- MKTG 310: Public Relations and Marketing
- PSYCH 100: Introductory Psychology
- PSYCH 221: Introductory Social Psychology
- PSYCH 270: Introductory Abnormal Psychology
- SPAN 002: Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 003: Intermediate Spanish
- STAT 200: Elementary Statistics
Session 2: June 27-Aug. 8 (no classes July 4)
- ART H 100: Introduction to Art
- B A 422W: Strategic Business Planning
- BBH 143: Drugs, Behavior, and Health
- BBH 407: Global Health Equity
- CHEM 112: Principles of Chemistry II
- CMPSC 201: Programming Engineers with C++
- COMM 100: Mass Media and Society
- EARTH 101: Natural Disasters
- ECON 104: Macroeconomic Analysis
- ENGL 015: Rhetoric and Composition
- ENGL 202A: Writing in Social Sciences
- ENGL 202C: Effective Writing: Technical Writing
- HIST 144: The World at War: 1939-1945
- HPA 444: Long-Term Care Management
- HPA 440: Principles of Epidemiology
- IST 110: Information, People and Technology
- MATH 021: College Algebra I
- MATH 022: College Algebra II
- MATH 026: Plane Trigonometry
- NUTR 100: Contemporary Nutrition Concerns
- PHOTO 100: Introduction to Photography
- SRA 111: Introduction to Security and Risk Analysis
In addition to this listing of summer online courses, there are also various on-campus summer courses being offered at the Penn State Lehigh Valley campus. For a complete listing of these courses, visit the Schedule of Courses website.
Current Penn State students may register through LionPATH by selecting the Lehigh Valley campus as the course location. New students can visit the Summer Classes website or call the Registrar's Office at 610-285-5060 for more information.