Penn State Oktoberfest at Dunderbaks at the Lehigh Valley Mall is an annual tradition where Penn Staters gather for German food, a pint of beer or soft drink and camaraderie. Proceeds benefit the Alumni Society First Year Scholarship Fund.
Lehigh Valley area Penn State alumni have a full schedule of festivities planned for October. Penn Staters and community members alike are invited to join in the variety of events.
6 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 4
Penn State Oktoberfest at Dunderbaks at the Lehigh Valley Mall is an annual tradition where Penn Staters gather for German food, a pint of beer or soft drink and camaraderie. Proceeds benefit the Alumni Society First Year Scholarship Fund. To register, visit: https://dunderbaks.brownpapertickets.com/.
I Bleed Blue and White Blood Drive
Saturday, Oct. 6
All three Miller Blood Bank sites will be receiving Penn Staters for first-ever alumni blood drive during a time when their supplies are low. All Penn State alumni who donate will receive a “I Bleed Blue and White” T-shirt. Email [email protected] for registration information.
Etiquette Dinner
6 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 11
Etiquette Dinner is the chance for alumni to share their story so students may learn from their experience, to look for interns and to get a glimpse into the next generation of the workforce. Sponsorship range from $60 to sponsor a student to attend to $500 to sponsor “Mocktail Hour,” the entrée, or dessert. The cost per person is $60. Email Diane McAloon, alumni relations director, at [email protected] or 610-285-5066.
Annual Berkey Ice Cream Sale underway
Ends Friday, Oct.12
The Penn State Lehigh Valley Alumni Society is accepting orders through Friday, Oct. 12 for its Berkey Creamery Ice Cream Sale. Proceeds from the sale benefit the Alumni Society First-Year Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to outstanding students enrolled or planning to enroll at Penn State Lehigh Valley. Ice cream pick up will be held at the Lehigh Valley campus from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15. Ice cream cannot be held after 8 p.m. due to lack of freezer space. Order forms may be obtained by visiting the Penn State Lehigh Valley Alumni Society website.
VIP All-Access Business of Entertainment Symposium sponsored by CRS
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 12
Penn State Lehigh Valley will host the VIP All-Access Business of Entertainment Symposium. Tickets are $95 or $125 (includes special meet-and-greet with speakers) and are available at crspsu.org. The symposium focuses on the business aspects of the unpredictable entertainment industry, including Broadway and cinema.
Dennille Schuler
Public Relations Specialist
Penn State Lehigh Valley