Membership offers staff valuable connections, professional development, and chances to make improvements that benefit everyone.
Become a Member
The Penn State Lehigh Valley Staff Advisory Council (PSU-LV SAC) is a great way for staff to get involved and serve fellow staff members. PSU-LV SAC members serve three-year terms, beginning July 1. Monthly Council meetings typically occur during normal University hours, last approximately 1 hour, and are considered University business.
- Applicants will be evaluated in the areas of leadership, inclusion/belonging, interest in PSU-LV SAC, time management, and confidentiality.
- Applicants recommended by the Membership and Elections Committee will be reviewed by Human Resources to ensure they are an employee in good standing.
Application for 2024-2025 academic year coming soon!
Full-time staff employees (non-bargaining unit) are eligible to apply
Council approves member appointments based on Committee recommendations