Practical Nursing Program graduates posed near the Lion Shrine last year.
CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — Penn State Lehigh Valley is now accepting applications for its practical nursing program. The practical nursing certificate program is an 18-month evening and weekend certificate program, which prepares students both academically and clinically for the NCLEX-PN licensure exam.
Anyone interested in becoming a nurse that has completed high school or a GED program is invited to apply. Applicants must take an entrance exam covering reading, English, math and science called the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) test.
Penn State Lehigh Valley will hold an information session for the practical nursing program at 4 p.m. on Thursday, April 20. It will be held at the Penn State Center @ Overlook Park located at 445 Hanover Ave. in Allentown. The $50 application fee will be waived for anyone who attends the information session and applies to the program that night.
The TEAS test must be taken on or by May 5 and applications must be submitted by May 12, which is the deadline to apply to the program.
The practical nursing program's next cohort officially starts with an orientation day on Thursday, July 20.
For more information, contact Heather Clark, director of the practical nursing program at [email protected] or 610-841-0359. For more information on the program, TEAS testing dates and how to apply, visit the practical nursing program website.