The goal of SAGE is to encourage intellectual and cultural enrichment for seniors, 55 and older, by providing a stimulating college-level lecture, workshop and seminar environment.
CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — Senior Adults Gaining Enrichment (SAGE), an outreach program of Penn State Lehigh Valley for adults age 55 and older, has announced the schedule for its fall 2016 four-part lecture series. Each SAGE session is held on the first Friday of the month and begins with coffee at 10:30 a.m., the featured speaker at 11 a.m., and lunch at noon. All SAGE lectures are held in Room 135 at Penn State Lehigh Valley, located at 2809 Saucon Valley Road in Center Valley.
The mission of SAGE is to encourage intellectual and cultural enrichment for seniors, age 55 and older, by providing a stimulating college-level lecture, workshop and seminar environment through a self-funded, self-directed and member-driven program.
Sept. 16
"Unconscious Bias"
Bart Bailey, principal consultant, Cook Ross Inc.
Buried prejudice and biases have surprisingly influential underpinnings to all the decisions we make, affecting people’s feelings and consequently actions. Bailey will explore a few methods to learn how to discover and overcome unconscious and hidden biases.
Oct. 7
"Women and the U.S. Presidency: Looking Back and Toward the Future"
Nichola Gutgold, professor of communication arts and sciences, Penn State Lehigh Valley
From the 1964 race of Margaret Chase Smith to the 2016 race, which includes Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina, Gutgold will consider the obstacles and opportunities women who run for the presidency face. This lively talk will look at the role of the media and the perceptions of women in power. As interest in the 2016 election heats up, more and more people wonder: Is this when America elects a woman president?
Nov. 4
"A Review of the Recent Discoveries in Astronomy and What They Mean to Us"
Daniel K. Jackson, instructor in astronomy, physics and math, Penn State Lehigh Valley
Astronomy is the first science and still a source of wonder and amazement. Every day there are new discoveries announced and new missions proposed. This talk will survey and explain some of the recent scientific discoveries including Pluto, LIGO, Juno, SDO, the Sloan Sky Dark Matter Survey and more.
Dec. 2
"Flying Pots, Fire and the Serenity of Chives: The Social Dynamics of Professional Kitchens"
David Livert, associate professor of psychology, Penn State Lehigh Valley
The professional kitchen may not seem like a typical workplace. It is well known for chefs who yell and throw pots; open flames and sharp knives; and the crush of service that throws cooks, waiters and other staff into a mad struggle to get the plate out on time. Stress, conflict and substance abuse are endemic to the profession. Nonetheless, there are striking moments of peace and camaraderie in the kitchen. As a social psychologist, Livert studies how people’s behavior is shaped by strong social settings. His work has focused on the unique setting of the professional kitchen. He is one of the few social psychologists looking at this topic and will share his findings during this presentation.
The cost per lecture is $20, or attend all four for $60. Lunch is included. For more information or to register, contact Diane McAloon at 610-285-5066 or [email protected].