Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Dr. Margaret Christian [email protected]
Professor, English
Lehigh Valley, 217-R 610-285-5000
Dr. Heather Clark [email protected]
LPN Program Director, Continuing Education and Outreach
Lehigh Valley 610-285-5059
Erin Clemens [email protected]
Adjunct Instructor of Emerging Health
Lehigh Valley 610-285-5000
Marta Da Silva [email protected]
Director of Advising & Career Services, Career Strategy and Advising
Lehigh Valley, 103-A 610-285-5075
Michael Damweber [email protected]
Coordinator of Admissions Assessment and Data Analysis, Enrollment
Lehigh Valley, 107-C 610-285-5035, then 2
Stephanie Davies [email protected]
Regional Human Resources Strategic Partner, Human Resources
Remote 814-375-4709
Justin De Senso [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, English
Lehigh Valley, 217-O 610-285-5000
Jonathan Desiderio [email protected]
Police Officer 3
Lehigh Valley, 114 610-285-5000 - press 5, then 4
Jeffrey Diamond [email protected]
Adjunct Instructor of History
Lehigh Valley 610-285-5000
Izac Diaz [email protected]
IT System Administrator, Information Technology
Lehigh Valley 610-285-5295
Deb Dreisbach [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor
Program Coordinator, Criminal Justice
Lehigh Valley, 315-N 610-285-5000
Dr. Julie Ealy [email protected]
Professor, Chemistry
Lehigh Valley, 315-G 610-285-5000
Dr. Roger Egolf [email protected]
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Lehigh Valley, 336 610-285-5000
Mark Erle [email protected]
Lecturer, Statistics
Lehigh Valley 610-285-5000
Cindy Evans [email protected]
Director of Business Development, Lehigh Valley LaunchBox
Lehigh Valley, 161 610-285-5000 - press 5, then 6
Saima Farooq [email protected] Lehigh Valley 610-285-5000
Richard Fatzinger [email protected]
Athletics Coordinator, Athletics
Coordinator of Intramural and Recreational Sports, Athletics
Lehigh Valley, 235-C 610-285-5000 - press 1, then 5, then 1
Elizabeth R. Flaherty, PhD [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Art History
Honors Program Coordinator
Lehigh Valley, 315-I 610-285-5000
Pamela Fleck [email protected]
Assistant Director of Student Affairs, Student Affairs
Lehigh Valley, 235-F 610-285-5000 - press 1, then 5, then 5
Bradley Folk [email protected]
Facilities Manager, Facilities and Operations
Lehigh Valley 610-285-5000 - press 5, then 2