Penn State Lehigh Valley professor named a General Education Faculty Fellow

CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — Douglas Hochstetler, professor of kinesiology at Penn State Lehigh Valley, is one of 16 faculty members representing various campuses, colleges, and General Education areas at Penn State to be named General Education Faculty Fellows. The General Education Faculty Fellows Program is a new initiative of the recently created Office for General Education that will help build the capacity of faculty to advance General Education curricular design, learning outcomes and assessment, and high-impact teaching and learning practices.

Hochstetler was nominated due to his experience in teaching General Education courses, a demonstrated commitment to innovative pedagogy and course design, and a commitment to providing access and service to students across the Commonwealth. The fellows will serve a one-year term in an advisory capacity to the Office for General Education.

“I'm deeply honored to be appointed as a member of the initial General Education Faculty Fellows program. This is an exciting time for undergraduate education at Penn State.  Implementing the General Education changes will help create some terrific opportunities for our faculty and students alike,” said Hochstetler.

In April, the University Faculty Senate approved six recommendations made by the General Education Task Force. Some of the recommendations for implementation include requiring six credits of integrative studies as part of the General Education baccalaureate requirements; creating inter-domain courses as a way for students to accomplish the integrative studies requirement; and creating linked courses as a way to offer the integrative studies component.

In his role, Hochstetler will act as a liaison to the academic community at Penn State Lehigh Valley as courses are developed and/or revised. The General Education Faculty Fellows will also identify and share high-impact practices for General Education and will help lead faculty development that endeavors to advance student achievement.


Dennille Schuler

Public Relations Specialist
Penn State Lehigh Valley

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