Environmental science class Poster Fair held at Penn State Lehigh Valley

Students presented their ideas of how to make PSU-LV more environmentally friendly
student pointing to a poster showing her research to bystanders

Students presented their ideas of how to make PSU-LV more environmentally friendly during the Nov. 28 Environmental Science poster fair held during common hour. 

Credit: Amber Campbell

A poster fair was held at Penn State Lehigh Valley (PSU-LV) on Nov. 28 for the campus community. Students from Associate Teaching Professor Karen Kackley-Dutt’s Environmental Science class presented their ideas of how to make PSU-LV more environmentally friendly on posters.

The campus community was invited to walk around and vote for their favorite poster projects for the sustainability committee to then choose from and pursue implementing on campus.

“This fair is important for our campus because we need to do a better job at being more sustainable,” said Kackley-Dutt. “We decided that it would be best to have the students figure out how to get it done based on what is most important to them.”

Ideas presented on the posters included solar energy, reducing cafeteria waste, battery and electronics recycling and more.


Dennille Schuler

Public Relations Specialist
Penn State Lehigh Valley

Work Phone