Arts Project workshop series accepting registrations for fall sessions

Upcoming workshops have been announced
man drawing

The Arts Project at Penn State Lehigh Valley offers non-credit classes at a convenient, beautiful location with free parking.

Credit: Penn State Lehigh Valley Multimedia Innovation Center

The Arts Project at Penn State Lehigh Valley has announced its fall 2018 sessions, which will take place from Sept. 18 to Dec. 13 at the Lehigh Valley campus located at 2809 Saucon Valley Road in Center Valley.

The workshops being offered include: Drawing and Painting Design Fundamentals with Ron De Long; Intoduction to 3D Printing and Jewelry Making with Kate Morgan; Beginning Metals and Jewelry and Advanced Metals and Jewelry with Ann Lalik.

Each workshop offers a 10 percent discount to senior citizens and Penn State Lehigh Valley employees. To register or for more information, including schedule and costs, visit the Arts Project website. Contact Ann Lalik for any additional information at 610-285-5261 or [email protected]