The Arts Project at Penn State Lehigh Valley offers non-credit classes at a convenient, beautiful location with free parking.
CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — The Arts Project at Penn State Lehigh Valley has announced its fall 2017 session options, which will be held from Sept. 19 to Dec. 12 at the Lehigh Valley campus located at 2809 Saucon Valley Road in Center Valley.
Workshops offered include: Ceramics for Beginners with Corianne Thompson; Drawing and Painting Design Fundamentals with Ron De Long; Beginning Jewelry and Metalwork, and Advanced Jewelry and Metalwork, with Ann Lalik.
The cost for each 12-week workshop is $350. For course descriptions and to register, visit the Arts Project website. For more information on the courses and for discount codes, contact Ann Lalik at 610-285-5261 or [email protected].