Julie Santos, a senior corporate communication student, and Morgan Hadinger, Lambda Pi Eta president and senior corporate communication student, staffed a table to collect items during Lambda Pi Eta’s holiday drive for Soldiers’ Angels.
CENTER VALLEY, Pa. — The Lambda Pi Eta chapter at Penn State Lehigh Valley held a holiday stocking drive for soldiers overseas this holiday season. Donations and stuffed stockings will benefit Soldiers’ Angels in San Antonio, Texas.
Soldiers’ Angels provides aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, their families and a growing veteran population. The organization has different donation options year-round for people interested in volunteering.
Samantha Ghali, a senior corporate communication major, reached out to Soldiers’ Angels regarding holiday donations for the Lambda Pi Eta chapter. Donations included — but were not limited to — stockings, candy canes, holiday pens and note pads, hats, gloves, jerky and hot chocolate packets. Each stuffed stocking included a holiday card with a handwritten message.
Lambda Pi Eta offered to organize a total of 25 stockings for the soldiers overseas, and due to generous donations they were able to achieve that goal.
“Lambda Pi Eta hopes to continue volunteer work and donation drives throughout the year. During the spring semester we plan to run a donation for the Lehigh Valley Youth House located on campus,” said Ghali.
With more than 450 active chapters nationwide, Lambda Pi Eta is the National Communication Association’s official honor society at four-year colleges and universities.
Dennille Schuler
Public Relations Specialist
Penn State Lehigh Valley