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group of adult making THON triangle shape with their hands

Dance the night away while raising money for THON

Join the Penn State Lehigh Valley Alumni Society for "Dance for a Cure" at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1 at the Events Center at Shepherd Hills Golf Club. The eighth annual dance fundraiser is an award-winning event featuring dance lessons of different styles each hour.
Joselyne Mera Vargas

First-generation student celebrates success as IST student marshal

Since Joselyne Mera Vargas moved to the United States from Ecuador when she was 9 years old, she has developed valuable leadership and communication skills, discovered a passion for data science, and completed a summer internship at Harvard University. To celebrate all that Vargas has achieved during her time at Penn State, she has been selected as the College of Information Science and Technology’s student marshal for the fall commencement ceremony on Dec. 21.